
Archive for August, 2013

I had no idea I had a story. I had no idea I was capable of doing, having and being who want to be.

I used other peoples story that I could relate to but it just really didn’t seem to fit me, well even I didn’t seem to fit me, I was afraid of being me worried about sharing and when told I should use videos I so was afraid to do them.

When I started to learn that I had a story that could help others I started wanting to learn more, learn how, and learn everything I could. I just didn’t understand how I, how my story could help others. Until I realized how important I truly am.

I believe everyone’s story needs to be told even if it sounds like the same, even if you cant find the reason why every one has a story.

“You have GREATNESS inside you.”
Les Brown

Its time to let it shine.

Click this link to find out more about how you can shift your life NOW!


Joan and Mike Nielsen

Work With Me –

PS: Come check out what our movement is all about

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Sometimes all you need is the Right TEAM.

I had a conversation with a team mate and I was giving her ideas with how to build her business in different ways and things she could do right now to be bigger and better.

I know sometimes its seems difficult when you are looking at the same thing and you cant find anything new to do, you loos sight, you loose focus and you are not really sure what way to go. I go through this too. So it really feels good to help others out.

Being part of a team, tribe, community, family or organization is such an important part of not only business but in all areas of your life, having others who will boost you up can make the difference in everything.

I used to take everything personally and would allow it to affect my whole life, personal, business everything, with support, training, and the knowledge of where to go I learned I do not need to react instead I could just take responsibility and take the actions I needed to move forward.

I believe everyone with the right team, the right people behind them to support them, teach them and guide them can build the business, live the life and be who they truly want to be.

Click this link to find out more about how you can join our team.

Joan and Mike Nielsen

Work With Me –

PS: Come check out what our movement is all about

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I saw my business partner Mike created a video about what the educational system is lacking right now and how we as parents can fix it! It’s a pretty easy solution, listen in now!

Click this link to find out more about how you can make money online & teach your kids the same!

Make it a great day!


Joan and Mike Nielsen

Work With Me –

PS: Come check out what our movement is all about

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me in nature

Shifting Lives and Empowering others one person at a time.

I started my business to be a stay home mom, to create financial freedom, and to empower others because I knew if I could do it I could help so many people do it.

Everyone has a story usually we don’t like talking about our own stories they are difficult times that have pushed us to become better then we ever thought we could but when we share them with others no matter how difficult we can impact other and help them make the shift they are wanting to make.

When I can across this story of such empowerment, such a shift I just had to share it with you.

We are the only ones who can take us from where we are to where we want to go. We are the only ones who can make the shift we just need to know where to shift to, learn from others story, learn from others who empower.

You can have your dreams, you can live the life you want just by shifting the one you have.

Come and check out what we are working on by watching this video.


Joan and Mike Nielsen

Work with us

P.S. If you are wanting more information or want to connect with us directly click here

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Magic of believing

I have to say I so loved this book

I was told about this book about a week ago and when I found it I just fell in love, I have listened to it so many times since.

The magic of believing was written by Claude M. Bristol and first written I think in 1944 and is still today one of the most recommended books today.

I would also recommend this highly, everyone should read or listen to this book over and over and over again. Yes I love it.

It all begins with you, you are the key, start believing.

If this helped you leave me a comment below or feel free to share this with others.


Joan and Mike Nielsen

work with us

P.S. Join us on Facebook here

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My buddy Mike almost went the Planet Fitness path… Check out what that would have cost him vs creating an Online Business…

Click this link to find out how we can help you build an Online Franchise instead of investing 1.3 Million for an Offline one!

Make it a great day!


Joan and Mike Nielsen

Work With Me

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Why Suicide

Suicide and self empowerment.

The other day a really good friend of mine sent me a message letting me know that his brother committed suicide, the words I wish I never had to hear again in my lifetime.

You see I see this subject as one we as a society can fix, I believe we should be teaching our children from an early age to love themselves, to learn who they are, to empower them self, but if we are to do that we ourselves need to empower ourselves.

I did an article a few months ago on Personal Empowerment check it out here.

I am so very passionate about helping others learn there own worth, on helping others learn their Greatness, I know how important this step is, you see I never felt my own worth, I always thought there was someone else better then me, someone else’s who was supposed to show me the way, who was greater then I could ever be, so I allowed others to lead me and I willingly followed, I allowed others to tell me who I was, to tell me what was best, I became shy, unsure of who I was and truly afraid to expand on me, I lost all track of my true self, my true worth.

I have dealt with depression, sadness, darkness and suicidal thoughts. I have been down the dark yucky whole and sometimes it isn’t as easy to realize that it is us who holds the key to open the door to this light, we have no clue their is light at all, we feel like a burden, feel like nothingness, alone, dark and discussed in ourselves.

When you realize how truly important you are, when you start to learn how you can be an assets to others to help them live a freedom filled life, a life they have dreamed of this is when you realize you can over come anything, you have the power in you to shift your life.

I read the other day Ray Higdon wrote an article on this very empowering and stated how Network Marketing has helped with his depression and I have to say that I can see this because Network Marketing is one of the first place I have ever seen that you learn the most important lesson in life personal empowerment, it is taught that this is the foundation to your business, it is recognized that you need to learn how to be you to be able to work your business, to be able to live your dreams, to be able to truly be free. It is also recognized that support is a very big part of building self and your business and this is so true I have never seen a more supportive bunch of giving people.

Through Network Marketing I have learned the importance of self worth, the importance of Me and what I can offer and how I can give so much of my knowledge to so many people. I am worth it.

I am so grateful for meet up with my network marketing family, I believe that it would have taken a lot longer to learn who I am and who I want to be, I would have continued to listen to all the naysayers, listened to all the doubts, listened to all the people who are not doing anything with their lives and continued to be sad while I live someone else’s dream of what my life should be like. I would not have been taught how possible my dreams are with a little work okay maybe a lot of work, I would not have been shown how to get on track and I would not have been shown how to have faith in myself and how important I am in my own life.

I believe that everyone can become depression free with out drugs they just need to learn how, they just need to know that it is not up to anyone else to live an amazing life it is 100% up to them and they can live the life they want, they can be who they chose to be.

It all starts with you and learning how Great you truly are.

You are worth it.

Leave me a comment below letting me know if this has helped you.

Feel free to connect with us here


Joan and Mike Nielsen

Work with us

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In the passed few days I have had these lesson jump out at me in almost everything I listen to read or watch from audio books, videos, webinars, hangouts, it is really helping me realize how important these steps are.

1) Take action, this is a big one and it can be used in so many different ways.
Don’t just sit there do something, so even if you can not do what you want to do, do something to start you on your way. When you get the sick feeling in your tummy like something bad is going to happen don’t just sit there do anything to get you feeling better and stop focusing on that feeling, write your dreams down, write your gratitude’s, write a special memory, anything that will get that feeling of joy and excitement.

2) Become more confident, speak up, talk to people you wouldn’t normally talk to, tell others your story, sit in the front row, do things that will help you get out of you shy self and be more confident.

3) Have faith, believe in YOURSELF in what you can do, no matter how long it takes have faith that it will happen, have faith that all things work out.

I love to be reminded that I am on the right track when I hear these over and over even after I have practiced them.

Learn to live your life, for you, learn what you need to learn, take action, be confident and have faith..


Joan and Mike Nielsen

Work With us

Skype joan.nielsen11

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Sometimes you need someone to remind you how much of a Champion you are, that your dreams are worth having, that you can do it.

Sometimes it is as simple as watching a video, sometimes it as easy as talking to a team member, sometimes you need a coach.

I watched this video shared by one of my team members today and it empowered me to do a video and to help others get pumped up.

I love my team and I love what I do.

Are you ready to be pumped up? Watch this video now!

Click this link to lock arms with the “Prosperity Team” and become a Champion!!!

Make it a great day!


Joan and Mike Nielsen

Skype joan.nielsen11

Work With Me

Work with us

PS: Come join us on Facebook

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After watching this hangout I was so inspired I had to share my insights.

There where so many interesting people like Mike who is a 12 year Military Vet who went from being broke, 100k in debt & qualified for food stamps turned his business around and earned over 12k in passive income in the last 4 days. George who made 3k in passive commissions today alone and rocked the stage and give us his formula to do the same. Dawn who had a $4,625 day 1 day after she purchased the all the products in our company! Amazing. Jon who is 21 year old and makes more money then most doctors & generates about 250 passive leads per day using ONLY 1 method of marketing. Adam who shared with us his secrets on incorporating your business and loopholes “They” don’t want you to know about taxes. Kevin who generates over 125 leads per day using Facebook for FREE in a different way that most people DONT teach.

Such an awesome group of people and so much giving and so much information.

Here are five steps for success in business and in life that I pulled from this hangout.

1) Take Action, this means in what ever way possible as long as you are constantly taking action you are sowing seeds to success.
2) Have faith in yourself, believing in yourself is so very important if you believe you can or you believe you cant you are right. Start to have faith you can do it..
3) Have faith in the people you are connected with believe in them, believe in the products or system, if it is working for others it can work for you.
4) Get set up know that you are going to succeed, set the foundation to your success.
5) Give back, this is a big one many forget about, giving back comes in so many ways, start giving back and you will start receiving more.

Feel free to check out this hangout to get some more useful information here

Leave a comment below if this was helpful


Joan and Mike Nielsen

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