
Archive for July, 2016


So the other day so one said something and my feelings were hurt, then when I told someone what was happening and again with their response I felt my feelings getting hurt, I have worked on myself enough to know that I do not need to deal with things right away and in fact I can go and find out what all this is about before handling it after all it is my feels and my actions.

I went and meditated but my vibration was not accepting the relaxation there for my house was interrupting my moment, I choose the to go out and sit with myself out in nature and I watched the bees while I took in some really deep breaths and allowed me to be here in the moment.

After I went and spoke with one of the people indicating what was said I allowed to hurt my feelings and when I was speaking of this with my husband he indicated I dont have to blame myself for everything and I said no I am not blaming me I am taking responsibility for my own feelings, I am aware I felt unappreciated, I unhappy, I felt unaccepted and I allowed what ever was happening to create these feelings and I had to go and spend time with myself and get me back, back to being who I wanted to be, back to who I choose to be.

Yes there will be times when people do and say things that may hurt your feelings but you do not need to accept them you can choose to love you, to appreciate you, to accept you. You have a choose spend time with you and get quiet, dont allow anyone to take your spark, dont allow anyone to change you be who you want stay true to your alignment.



❤ Joan Nielsen

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Believe and be patent but how?

One of the questions I ask my self sometimes when I am working on reminding myself to believe and to be patent is but I have to do this or that or and what ever this situation I see the way it is, the way it has always been and I wonder how can I get to believe again stay in this moment stop worrying about what you have no control over and just let it happen, yes let it happen and allow


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Believe and then be patient

Even for me sometimes the hardest thing to do is to keep believing and just being a little more patient.

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