
Posts Tagged ‘childhood’

me in nature

We are more then we think we are, we are more then the difficulties we have to go through. You are capable of doing anything we truly want to do.

I wanted to do this video series to assist you in learning how to overcome your obstacles. I also want to show you this is something we all have to deal with so I’ll be sharing the different obstacles I’ve had to overcome in my life.

This first Video I discuss how being told I had a learning disability, and as a result, limited career options impacted me. I was told I would never be able to do anything and this made me unsure on how to proceed with my life. Going into High School seemed impossible and continuing through my life I never really thought about the impact it had on me, I didnt initially realize the limits I was putting on myself.

We need to overcome our labels that others place on us, they have nothing to do with who we truly are or what we are ultimately capable of.

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