
Posts Tagged ‘steps for success’

After watching this hangout I was so inspired I had to share my insights.

There where so many interesting people like Mike who is a 12 year Military Vet who went from being broke, 100k in debt & qualified for food stamps turned his business around and earned over 12k in passive income in the last 4 days. George who made 3k in passive commissions today alone and rocked the stage and give us his formula to do the same. Dawn who had a $4,625 day 1 day after she purchased the all the products in our company! Amazing. Jon who is 21 year old and makes more money then most doctors & generates about 250 passive leads per day using ONLY 1 method of marketing. Adam who shared with us his secrets on incorporating your business and loopholes “They” don’t want you to know about taxes. Kevin who generates over 125 leads per day using Facebook for FREE in a different way that most people DONT teach.

Such an awesome group of people and so much giving and so much information.

Here are five steps for success in business and in life that I pulled from this hangout.

1) Take Action, this means in what ever way possible as long as you are constantly taking action you are sowing seeds to success.
2) Have faith in yourself, believing in yourself is so very important if you believe you can or you believe you cant you are right. Start to have faith you can do it..
3) Have faith in the people you are connected with believe in them, believe in the products or system, if it is working for others it can work for you.
4) Get set up know that you are going to succeed, set the foundation to your success.
5) Give back, this is a big one many forget about, giving back comes in so many ways, start giving back and you will start receiving more.

Feel free to check out this hangout to get some more useful information here

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Joan and Mike Nielsen

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