
Posts Tagged ‘Manifest’

What are you expecting?

If you are preparing for lack you will receive lack and limitations.

If you are preparing for abundance you will receive all you could every want and hope for.

The more you focus on what you dont have and what you want and how it is not coming to you the more you will create the limitations, it is letting go and knowing it is here and telling your story of abundance and seeing what you can manifest that will allow you to receive what you are wanting.

What are you affirming for yourself?

Do you hear yourself talk lack? Do you hear others around you talk of your lack? Do you worry about your lack? Not knowing how to get to the abundant mind frame? Do you see only limitations on why you can not afford? Is it difficult for you to get past this point in your life?

This is where you get to make the biggest step in your life, this is where you get to tell your new abundant story, this is where you get to ignore the ignorant people (this is meaning people who do not know, they lack the knowledge) and believe in what you know, reprogram what you have been taught know that all things are possible, start writing your new story of abundance, believe in you.

So often we find ourselves in a similar situation and we believe it to be the way it was in the past the out come the same we loss hope, we loss faith, we loss trust (all forms with in ourselves) we stop believing in ourselves, in our own power, in the universe. We believe in our situation “what is, is and nothing can change that.”  I cant tell you how many times I have heard this said by myself and others, but what if you can change it would you? What if you could change it right now and the only thing you had to do was change your own thoughts, would you?

Many times in life we get so caught up in our situation we see no way out and we just fall, we give up and allow things to become the way they have always been, have always been for our parents, the way they have always been for ourselves, “its just the way it is.” We justify.

It doesnt matter if it is our health, our wealth, our own happiness, our love life, our success, or any other part of our life we just give up thinking this is the way it was for our parents this is the way it is for us, this is the way it has always been, this is all there is to it.


What if your wrong?

What if you can have it all and it all begins with what you are telling yourself. What if you just started writing the story of what it is you are wanting as if you already have it. Instead of just pressing repeat in your thoughts.

Start becoming excited about what is happening and about to happen in your life, become excited about you. See things happening the way you would like them to happen, see wealth coming your way, see you being successful in the career you are wanting, see your health improving, see the love you are looking for, start telling the story you want to be living.


You are worth the life you want to be living so start living it now ❤


❤ Joan Nielsen


P.S. Come Join me on my Facebook page 

P.S.S. For Coaching and personal Affirmations message me on my facebook page

P.S.S.S Remember you are always loved ❤

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Our Greatest Fear —Marianne Williamson

it is our light not our darkness that most frightens us

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,
talented and fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other
people won’t feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people
permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
Our presence automatically liberates others.

—Marianne Williamson from the book return to love

I love this it is so powerful. It has helped me look at myself and see my true self and ask myself why am I playing small why am I fearful of my greatness, my true self, my light, ME..

It is our greatness we are most afraid of, it is going further then our comfort zone, it is believing in something so strongly we are willing to give up on everything we know, everything we have been taught.

It is easier to believe what others believe, it is easier to not stand out or stand up, it is easier to stay quiet.

What if we empowered ourselves so that it did not matter what others thought of us, what others believed, what if we believed in ourselves enough that all things were possible.

Well it is time, it is time for you to stop being afraid of your own light, your talents, your beauty, your brilliants and started being you, the true you. Let your light shine.

It all begins with you.

Empower your light, Empower YOU.

Leave us a comment below if this help you


Joan and Mike Nielsen

Connect with us here

P.S. to receive your free daily inspirational quotes and affirmations get you morning shift here

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It isn’t always easy working towards goals or dreams when our loved ones are not completely behind us. It may feel like we have to defend ourselves, we may feel it is personal or that they don’t believe in us.

We don’t need them to believe, we don’t need then to approve, we don’t need to convince them that we can do it, that just wastes energy and time. Believe in your dreams these are yours, they are no one else’s. Work on them every day, take steps towards them, create them and allow them to manifest.

We have been taught that we need approval of our actions by our family and friends, that we need them to believe and have their support. I am going to tell you that this is a lie.
You do not need their approval, input, or okay to go for it. If they don’t believe in your dreams then let them go and stop making them your excuse. They are entitled to their own opinions, go ahead without them and allow them to believe what they want. Show them it doesn’t matter what they think and that you are going to go after your dream. Show them how important this dream is to you by going after it. Show them how important you are to you to go after what you want.

You are worth it and you will prove to yourself that you can do anything. Once you start to work towards your dreams more and more doors will be opening you just need to focus on what you are wanting instead of what you are not wanting. So instead of arguing, voicing your opinion or defending your ideas tell others what you are needing from them. Get more clear on what you require of others, financially, helping around the house more, caring for the children more, etc. Let them know that you are going to be working towards your dreams no matter what.

When you start to realize you don’t need to focus on their beliefs and instead find what it is you really need from them you can focus on asking them for that.

So for today when you start hearing yourself start to complain either of someone not supporting you or you start to doubt your dreams say some affirmations instead.
Here’s a few that might help…

“I work on my dreams daily”
“I continue with my dreams no matter what”
“I assist my loved ones with understanding my dreams”
“I ask for support from loved ones”
“I believe in my dreams”
“My dreams are worth working on”
“I am worth living my dreams”
“My dreams are my own and I deserve to have them”
“I only attract supportive loving people”
“I am focused and can ask for what I require”
“I release all doubts and fears and remind myself I am capable and worth it”
“I can do this, I can, I can, yes I can”
“I am ready and willing to go after my dreams”
“Today I am focused and continually moving forward”
“I am unstoppable”
“Today I am moving forward”

You can do it, you can achieve your dreams just by starting to take the steps to get you there. Sure there may be road blocks, disbelievers, or critics but your dreams are bigger then all of these things. You are bigger and you are worth it.

You can do it!


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